Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Final Countdown: 2 days

Please excuse my creepy husband....haha
Well 2 days left....and I just want to be done! :) Serg and I (mostly Serg), over the past couple weeks have moved all the boxes to the main level, in hopes that this will make loading the truck a whole lot easier. We will be loading tomorrow evening and then early Friday driving 2 hours south to our new home! Wish us luck and say a prayer for us that everything goes smoothly. The forecast for the next 2 days: RAIN! yay! Should make moving fun! Hope everyone is doing well!

First Tournament of the Season

Well this past weekend Serg had opening day for baseball. The yearly pre-season tournament for his league. Serg did well, although I can't say the same for his team. They did pretty horrible on Saturday, but pulled out a win on Sunday. Overall they finished 5th out of....6.... Hoping this Saturday's season opener goes a little better. All I can ask for is that Serg plays well, and at least he did this weekend!