Friday, February 26, 2010

This week, the baby is the size of a.....

Potomac Hawks

Well baseball season is right around the corner. Serg decided to switch teams this season after 4 years with the Northern Virginia Knights. He will now be playing with the Potomac Hawks. He is excited about the change and will have his first practice this Sunday!

Boy or Girl??

I just scheduled our appointment to find out the sex of the baby for March 20. We are soo excited! We can't wait for the doctors appointment at 20 weeks, so we scheduled through a third party at 16 weeks. At the appointment we will get a photo CD of all the photos and a video DVD of the whole ultrasound. We will also get a sneak peak in 4D. We will go back Father's Day weekend at 29 weeks, for a whole 4D session. We will definitely post pictures after both appointments!

13 Weeks