Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our First REAL Christmas Tree

On the tractor ride...
Found a good one....
Mom, Rich and Me

Hot Apple Cider
My Family! :) Brit, Rich, Mom, Dad, Meg, Me and Serg
Trimming the tree
This is the first year Serg and I have gotten a real tree. We carried on the tradition of when I was younger by going out and cutting down our own. Serg thought it was awesome and was so excited to bring it home! This is tradition that we'll keep going!

Thanksgiving 2009

Well this was our first time hosting Thanksgiving and I think it was a success! We had a ton of food, family and fun! I'm definitely looking forward to next year!
Playing football before dinner...
Gillie watching....
Rich and Meg
Thanks to Simon for this idea! Everyone had a great time riding down the hill in our backyard in our garden cart!

Kids Driving the Jeep

Serg took the kids driving in our backyard. They had a blast. When they were done driving, he had them buckle in and drove really fast around the yard. We could hear them laughing all the way from the house!

Our New Home

Well its only taken me a month to post these....but for good reason. My mom has the "before" pictures on her camera, and I keep forgetting to get them from her. I was hoping to post them together so you could see the difference, but I guess I will just have to post them separately. We've done a little painting and decorating since we've moved in, but these are from the day we settled....
Our Home.
Living RoomView from Living Room to Kitchen
Master Bedroom

Grandpa Carpenter

As some of you have heard, on November 13, my Grandfather, Adam Benjamin Carpenter passed away at the age of 87. We traveled up to New York for the viewing and the funeral. They had a beautiful service and a military funeral for him. I was really proud of my Dad for getting up and talking during the service before the funeral, he did really good. Please continue prayers for comfort for my family and especially my Grandma.

RIP Grandpa
