Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Baby Rangel - 31w 5d

Since the beginning of my pregnancy I've lost a total of 6 pounds. I haven't gained anything. The doctor wasn't too concerned but ordered an ultrasound just to double check that the baby was growing properly. Well....lets just say he is! He is in the 90 percentile for his gestational age. He is currently measuring a full 2 weeks ahead at 33w 5d and is 4 pounds 15 ounces. His head circumference is 29cm. His arms are actually measuring at 34w 2d (think he may be taking after Uncle Cam on that one :) ). The ultrasound tech said it is normal for babies to hit a growth spurt and if I come back in a few weeks his weight MAY even out. Let's hope because with 8 weeks left...I'm a little nervous! Also, we got to see his face pretty good...he has the biggest cheeks, I think he will have Serg's lips and maybe my nose. She also said that he has hair, so we know that he doesn't take after me in that department. I didn't have any hair until I was 2 years old and Serg was born with hair. The picture that she gave us looks like a skeleton and you can't see the features like we saw them. The second picture she gave us was just for verification that he is in fact a boy...not like there was any question before though. Serg is pretty proud about the!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awsome K8in