Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby Shower!

In thanks for hosting the shower, Serg and I got our moms Grandma bracelets. My mom's said Grandma and Serg's mom said Abuela. They really, really liked them!
Serg came in from the pool to help me open gifts and he had a little
too much fun with the baby clothes pins! Big surprise! :)
My most unexpected gift came from my sister and totally made me cry! My mom and aunt made a lamp for my room when I was very little using the wallpaper from my room. Well each of the Carpenter kids used it, and my sister still had it hanging in her room. We had been going back and forth because I wanted it for the baby room and she wanted to keep it. Well for my gift she gave me the lamp (with a few other gifts).
It was the most thoughtful thing, and I was in total shock!
Serg's sister Sole and my sister Megann

On Saturday, my mom and Serg's mom (who is visiting from TX) hosted my baby shower. The decorations were beautiful and I had such a great time! We got a lot of great stuff and am so thankful for our family and friends!

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