Saturday, January 31, 2009


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Thanks for checking in....we love you all!

~Kate and Serg

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes, Becomes the First President to Skip Ball Honoring Medal of Honor Recipients in Over 50 Years

Article can be found in Cleveland Leader:

Barack Obama may have stumbled over his words briefly during his inauguration, but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening - The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball.

The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball was begun in 1953 for President Dwight Eisenhower's inauguration. The event recognized recipients of the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest military award. There were 48 Medal of Honor recipients in attendance, who were undoubtedly disappointed by the Commander-in-Chief's failure to show. Over the past 56 years and 14 inaugurations, no President has skipped this event - until now.

The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball is sponsored by the American Legion, and co-sponsored by 13 other veteran's service organizations, including those such as the Paralyzed Veterans of America and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

Instead of attending this ball honoring our nation's heroes, Obama was busy making stops at 10 other official balls. Obama and his wife's first stop was at the Neighborhood Ball. From there they went to the Home State Ball for Illinois and Hawaii, the Commander-in-Chief Ball, the Youth Inaugural Ball, and the Home State Ball for Delaware and Pennsylvania. They finished off the night with brief appearances at the Mid-Atlantic, Western, Midwest, Eastern, and Southern regional Balls.

Celebrities were a plenty at the balls, with Stevie Wonder, Shakira, Mary. J. Blige, Faith Hill, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Adam Levine,, Sting, Mariah Carey, and Leonardo DiCaprio in attendance at the Neighborhood Ball. In addition, the other nine balls also featured a star-studded lineup including Kanye West and Kid Rock at the Youth Ball, Marc Anthony at the Western Ball, and Cheryl Crow at the Western Ball.

It was the party without all of the celebrities that Obama skipped. The very people who he sought to have support him during his candidacy and campaign, who have fought to protect this country, were snubbed in favor of publicity and the opportunity to rub shoulders - yet again - with the out-of-touch Hollywood elite.

Congratulations Lance Corporal Carpenter

A little late...but better late than never...on January 1st my brother, Cameron was promoted to
Lance Corporal.
We are SOOO proud of him!!
Keep up the good work Rich!
We love and miss you!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bad Kenzie!

Well yesterday it snowed here...not much but enough for MacKenzie to be thrilled. She woke me up when she saw the snow and spent the day barking and crying to go out! Then she'd get too cold, so she'd have to come in and warm up. Crazy little dog....she absolutely LOVES the snow!
Well every time it rains or gets wet our backyard turns into a mud pit...and not thinking I let Kenzie out to do her business. The thing she may love more than snow is to dig in mud or water. Not even food can get her away from it. This is what she looked like when we dragged her out of it...right before a bath! Bad Kenzie! :)

Where is all your money going?

Obama's Stimulus Package Breakdown

Last Night

I was up late doing some work on the computer and when I came to bed, this is what I found....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kenzie...Where's Daddy?

Everyday when Serg comes home from work, I ask Kenzie, Where's Daddy? She goes directly to the window and waits for him. She gets so excited.....I thought I'd share!

*sorry its sideways!*

As Luck Would Have It

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chief of Staff of the Army: General George W. Casey

On Thursday Sergio got to meet and take pictures of the Chief of Staff of the Army, General George W. Casey. Serg thought he was a really nice guy and it was an honor to meet him.

Just an observation on a Friday afternoon

Well Serg and I are moving back to Virginia in about 3 months. We've started looking online at houses, just seeing whats out there. Its become apparent to me that this isn't like all the moves we've done in the past. Most everyone knows I'm an extreme planner and well Serg is the complete opposite, but with this move we both have the same kind of feeling (don't know if I should be afraid or not). Every other move we've done, we've known it will only be us and the animals for just one year. After the year we'll move again and won't have to deal with all the things we didn't like about that house ever again. This move is definitely going to involve more planning and being more picky. It won't be just us...EVENTUALLY we'll have kids to raise. Its also a house we'd like to be in more than 5 years and wouldn't be opposed to it being the house we retire in, if it works out. We've started talking about whether we'd like to raise our kids out in the country with a little bit of land, or in a neighborhood with other kids....what kind of schools are in the area....what type of floor plan would be suitable for babies/toddlers/kids....All very strange and all very new. Just a weird observation for Friday!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Serg's Birthday Party

Serg's Birthday Cake
Serg and My Brother Cameron
Serg and My Mom
My cousins husband Randy, Uncle Bruce, My Mom, Serg, Kyle and Cameron
My sister Megann and Serg
Hola Serheo!!
My cousin Samantha
My brother and sister
Ava and Jasmine helping Serg open his presents
My brother as Luigi...
Serg and Cam
Cam and Kyle

On Saturday we had my parents, brother, sister, aunt and uncle and my cousin and her family over for dinner and cake! We played pin the tail on the everyone was so bad at it! We had such a great time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fresh out of the...Microwave?

Blowing out a flameless candle. Didn't want to set off the smoke alarm!

Since we were staying in a hotel for his birthday, I made him the only cake I could. Its a little chocolate cake you can microwave. He really liked it though! I'm excited to make his real cake on Saturday!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Whats with sizing in New Jersey?

The toilet in our room. I sat on it and almost fell in! It is sooo wide! There definitely needs to be a warning for the skinny people of the world. Obviously Serg and I were OK! haha :)
Forks at dinner....Umm....Are you supposed to eat with those?

Birthday Night

I gave him his presents last night so he could wear his new watch to work. Its one he's been wanting for over a year now that has a digital compass on it.
I know you're old...but are you 29 or 299?? haha! :)
The decorated room!

While Serg was at work I decorated the hotel room and totally surprised him when he got back from work! We went to Charlie Browns for dinner and had a great time!

Happy 29th Birthday Sergio!!

This is back in 2007, on his 27th birthday.


Today we're celebrating Serg's birthday in New Jersey. He found out last week that he was being sent to Fort Dix for this whole week. Since its only 2 hours from our house I decided to come up to celebrate with him! We will be having a little "party" on Saturday with his real birthday cake and more presents, so I'll definitely post pictures of that! We will also be taking pictures of his "party" here in the hotel. Hopefully he has a great one, even though we won't be home. Serg's cousin Melina also posted a great message about Serg on the blog she has for his Mom's side of the family. Thanks Melina! You're an awesome cousin! Click Here for Fuentes Blog

Monday, January 5, 2009

Serg lost his wisdom today!

After (If anyone was wondering, he really did get his wisdom teeth out, not eye work)
With cold packs on his face. Poor guy :(

Well this morning I took Serg to the dentists where he got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. He is doing remarkably well tonight, and feeling absolutely no pain. We're both very thankful for that. He will be out of work until Thursday, so he'll be able to get lots of rest!

My Sister

She was mad I was taking her photo...

My sister got her first job at a small restaurant called Fosters at the beginning of the summer. She has done such a good job and we are extremely proud of her! Before my brother left to go to NC on Saturday we all went out for a family lunch. We decided to go to Fosters since Meg was working. I snapped a few photos while we were there. I'm so proud of her!

Cute Animals


My moms cat Louis

Friday, January 2, 2009

A-Z Survey..about us...

- Age: Kate - 23 Serg - Almost 29
- Annoyance: Kate - when people make accusations of racism when its obviously not Serg - waiting on people
- Animal: Kate - Dogs Serg - doesn't have a favorite
- Actor: Kate - Damien Lewis & Owen Wilson Serg - Jim Carey

- Beer: Neither of us drink
- Birthday: Kate - September 18 Serg - January 14
- Best feeling in the world: Kate - Walking in the grass barefoot in the spring Serg - Waking up next to Kate (no I didn't out him up to that)
- Blind or Deaf: Both chose Deaf
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Ehh....

- Candy: Kate - Dark Chocolate Serg - Whatchamacallit
- Color: Both love Blue
- Cried in school: Kate - once Serg - No
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Kate - Chocolate Serg - Mix it up
- Chinese/Mexican: Kate - Mexican....of course right? Serg - Mexican
- Country to visit: Kate - Can't wait to get to go to Normandy and Germany Serg - Spain

- Day or Night: Kate - Day Serg - Morning

- Eyes: Kate - Green Serg - Brown

- First crush: Kate - Jimmy K. Serg - Kim Basinger
- First thoughts: Kate - It's how late? Serg - I love my new fleece sheets!
- Food: Kate - Pizza Serg - Buffalo Wings

- Greatest Fear: Kate - Losing Serg and heights Serg - Fear itself
- Giver or taker: Both givers
- Get along with your parents: Both of us say YES

- Hair Color: Kate - Light brown Serg - Black
- Height: Kate - 5'6 Serg - 5'9
- Happy: Kate - Mostly Serg - Is there anything else?
- Holiday: Kate - CHRISTmas Serg - Sergio Rangel Day (there really is such a thing in his hometown of Aransas Pass)
- How do you want to die: Kate - in my sleep Serg -Happy

- Ice Cream: Kate - Chocolate blizzard with chocolate chip cookie dough!! Serg - Rocky Road
- Instrument: Neither of us play

- Job: Kate - Executive Assistant/HR Coordinator Serg - Soldier/Graphic Designer/Photographter/Videographer

- Kids: In a few years
- Keep a journal: Just this blog

- Love: Best feeling in the world
- Laughed so hard you cried: Lots

- Milk flavor: Kate - 1% White Serg - Chocolate
- Movie: Kate - Band of Brothers Episode 5 Serg - Liar Liar
- Mooned anyone: Both said No
- Marriage: Is just lovely
- Motion sickness: Neither have it
- McD’s or BK: Both said McDonalds

- Number of Siblings: Both have one brother and one sister. I'm the oldest, Serg is the youngest
- Number of Piercings: Kate just has her ears done

- Overused Phrases: LOL
- One wish: Kate - Live without worry/fear Serg - Stay happy

- Place you’d like to live: Kate - Virginia Serg - Colorado
- Perfect Pizza: Kate - Dominos Sausage/Pepperoni Serg - Canadian Bacon Extra Sauce

- Reason to cry: Kate - When Serg is really mean to me :) Serg - When Kate yells at me :)
- Reality T.V: Kate - Guilty pleasure Serg - Not for me
- Radio: Kate - Love DC 101 Serg - Wish my car had one
- Roll your tongue in a circle: Both can

- Shoe size: Kate - 8.5 Serg - 11
- Salad Dressing: Kate - Italian Serg - Ranch
- Slept outside: Kate - Only when I'm camping Serg - Too many to count
- Seen a dead body: Kate - No Serg - Too many to count
- Skinny dipped: Both said no
- Sing well: Ehh...nope but we both like to
- Single/Group dates: Kate - Single Serg - Both
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Both said Strawberries

- Time for bed: 12am - 1am
- Thunderstorms: Love em'
- Touch your tongue to your nose: Neither can

- Unpredictable: Kate - Not me at all...Life is about planning Serg - Love it!

- Vegetable you hate: Kate - Corn Serg - Green Beans
- Vacation spot: Kate - Ricketts Glen Serg - Colorado

- Who makes you laugh the most: Both said each other
- Worst weather: Both said tornados

-X-Rays: Both have had tons

-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: Such a happy color

- Zodiac sign: Kate - Virgo Serg - Capricorn

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I tattooed myself for the second time this evening. It is of a cactus and is on my upper right thigh. The stencil didn't stay so the majority of it was done freehand and upside down. I have a few more parts to add, and have a little more shading to do.

I did a cactus with a hat in honor of my Grandpa Rangel. His nickname is Nopalito which means cactus. He was called that because he always ate cactus. He also loves his hat which I call his Low Rider hat. This is the actual type of cactus that he eats.

MacKenzie and Serg Playing

MacKenzie and Serg playing

She play growls when you get close to her toy but drops it as soon as you tell her to!

Happy New Year!

Sergio 1 & 2 doing jello shots...First kiss of 2009!4 Sergio's in 1 house....yikes!
Rangel, Sergio V's Dad, Sergio, Sergio V. and Sergio V's son, Sergio. Soo confusing I know!

This year we spent New Years with Serg's friend from work whose name is also Sergio, and his family. We had such a great time!