Friday, January 2, 2009

A-Z Survey..about us...

- Age: Kate - 23 Serg - Almost 29
- Annoyance: Kate - when people make accusations of racism when its obviously not Serg - waiting on people
- Animal: Kate - Dogs Serg - doesn't have a favorite
- Actor: Kate - Damien Lewis & Owen Wilson Serg - Jim Carey

- Beer: Neither of us drink
- Birthday: Kate - September 18 Serg - January 14
- Best feeling in the world: Kate - Walking in the grass barefoot in the spring Serg - Waking up next to Kate (no I didn't out him up to that)
- Blind or Deaf: Both chose Deaf
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Ehh....

- Candy: Kate - Dark Chocolate Serg - Whatchamacallit
- Color: Both love Blue
- Cried in school: Kate - once Serg - No
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Kate - Chocolate Serg - Mix it up
- Chinese/Mexican: Kate - Mexican....of course right? Serg - Mexican
- Country to visit: Kate - Can't wait to get to go to Normandy and Germany Serg - Spain

- Day or Night: Kate - Day Serg - Morning

- Eyes: Kate - Green Serg - Brown

- First crush: Kate - Jimmy K. Serg - Kim Basinger
- First thoughts: Kate - It's how late? Serg - I love my new fleece sheets!
- Food: Kate - Pizza Serg - Buffalo Wings

- Greatest Fear: Kate - Losing Serg and heights Serg - Fear itself
- Giver or taker: Both givers
- Get along with your parents: Both of us say YES

- Hair Color: Kate - Light brown Serg - Black
- Height: Kate - 5'6 Serg - 5'9
- Happy: Kate - Mostly Serg - Is there anything else?
- Holiday: Kate - CHRISTmas Serg - Sergio Rangel Day (there really is such a thing in his hometown of Aransas Pass)
- How do you want to die: Kate - in my sleep Serg -Happy

- Ice Cream: Kate - Chocolate blizzard with chocolate chip cookie dough!! Serg - Rocky Road
- Instrument: Neither of us play

- Job: Kate - Executive Assistant/HR Coordinator Serg - Soldier/Graphic Designer/Photographter/Videographer

- Kids: In a few years
- Keep a journal: Just this blog

- Love: Best feeling in the world
- Laughed so hard you cried: Lots

- Milk flavor: Kate - 1% White Serg - Chocolate
- Movie: Kate - Band of Brothers Episode 5 Serg - Liar Liar
- Mooned anyone: Both said No
- Marriage: Is just lovely
- Motion sickness: Neither have it
- McD’s or BK: Both said McDonalds

- Number of Siblings: Both have one brother and one sister. I'm the oldest, Serg is the youngest
- Number of Piercings: Kate just has her ears done

- Overused Phrases: LOL
- One wish: Kate - Live without worry/fear Serg - Stay happy

- Place you’d like to live: Kate - Virginia Serg - Colorado
- Perfect Pizza: Kate - Dominos Sausage/Pepperoni Serg - Canadian Bacon Extra Sauce

- Reason to cry: Kate - When Serg is really mean to me :) Serg - When Kate yells at me :)
- Reality T.V: Kate - Guilty pleasure Serg - Not for me
- Radio: Kate - Love DC 101 Serg - Wish my car had one
- Roll your tongue in a circle: Both can

- Shoe size: Kate - 8.5 Serg - 11
- Salad Dressing: Kate - Italian Serg - Ranch
- Slept outside: Kate - Only when I'm camping Serg - Too many to count
- Seen a dead body: Kate - No Serg - Too many to count
- Skinny dipped: Both said no
- Sing well: Ehh...nope but we both like to
- Single/Group dates: Kate - Single Serg - Both
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Both said Strawberries

- Time for bed: 12am - 1am
- Thunderstorms: Love em'
- Touch your tongue to your nose: Neither can

- Unpredictable: Kate - Not me at all...Life is about planning Serg - Love it!

- Vegetable you hate: Kate - Corn Serg - Green Beans
- Vacation spot: Kate - Ricketts Glen Serg - Colorado

- Who makes you laugh the most: Both said each other
- Worst weather: Both said tornados

-X-Rays: Both have had tons

-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: Such a happy color

- Zodiac sign: Kate - Virgo Serg - Capricorn

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