Friday, January 23, 2009

Just an observation on a Friday afternoon

Well Serg and I are moving back to Virginia in about 3 months. We've started looking online at houses, just seeing whats out there. Its become apparent to me that this isn't like all the moves we've done in the past. Most everyone knows I'm an extreme planner and well Serg is the complete opposite, but with this move we both have the same kind of feeling (don't know if I should be afraid or not). Every other move we've done, we've known it will only be us and the animals for just one year. After the year we'll move again and won't have to deal with all the things we didn't like about that house ever again. This move is definitely going to involve more planning and being more picky. It won't be just us...EVENTUALLY we'll have kids to raise. Its also a house we'd like to be in more than 5 years and wouldn't be opposed to it being the house we retire in, if it works out. We've started talking about whether we'd like to raise our kids out in the country with a little bit of land, or in a neighborhood with other kids....what kind of schools are in the area....what type of floor plan would be suitable for babies/toddlers/kids....All very strange and all very new. Just a weird observation for Friday!

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