Thursday, August 6, 2009

Awesome Story...

Woman receives heart from fallen Ranger

ROSEMOUNT, Minn. — Army Cpl. Benjamin Kopp, a Ranger, died last month after being wounded in Afghanistan, but a part of the Minnesota soldier lives on.

His family agreed to donate his organs, and now a 57-year-old Chicago woman feels privileged to have received the Rosemount soldier’s heart.

Judy Meikle says she got a call about Kopp’s death two weeks ago from the soldier’s cousin, who’s her close friend. His heart was a perfect match for Meikle.

She says she now has the heart of an Army Ranger who’s a bona fide hero.

Kopp served two tours in Iraq before his tour in Afghanistan as a member of the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment based in Fort Benning, Ga. He will be buried Friday at Arlington National Cemetery.

The 21-year-old died July 18 after being wounded in battle.

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