Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well it's been 3 weeks since we put a contract on a house and still have no response. We are waiting patiently but keeping our options open and continuing to look. I'm not as anxious as I thought I would be and we're keeping the faith that God will provide for our family.

It's been 2 and a half weeks since my cousin moved in with us and everything is going great. He's applied for a ton of jobs and is working on getting his drivers license. Keep praying that he continues to do well.

This past weekend we visited my Dad's side of the family in Syracuse, NY. We had a really good time!! It was great to see everyone and I got a lot of great information for my family tree! My Uncle Mike taught Dad and Serg to play Ladder Golf and they had a lot of fun. Can't wait for next year!

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