Tuesday, August 17, 2010

37 Week Appt. - 37w 4d

At my appointment today I gained another pound and a half, bringing my total to -6 pounds for the entire pregnancy. My blood pressure was good and his heartbeat was also at 140 bpm. I am almost 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. (Effacement: Thinning of the cervix. Usually in the last month the cervix begins to stretch and thin. This process means the lower segment of the uterus is getting ready for delivery. A thin cervix will also allow the cervix to dilate more easily.) While all this means that my body is preparing for delivery, it doesn't mean that it will be in the next day although I'm hoping it is. It is finally getting to the miserable part after I couldn't complain for 36 weeks, now it's back pain, cramping, peeing 10 times a night, not getting a lot of sleep, pressure constantly, all the joys of being pregnant! :) Here's to hoping that it's sooner than later!

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