Tuesday, August 31, 2010

39 Week Appointment

Well I'm not very happy with my appointment today, although my blood pressure was good, his heartbeat was strong at 147bpm and I'm another half centimeter dilated at 3cm. I am 3 days away from 40 weeks - full term - my due date. The doctor wanted to strip my membranes (separating the amniotic sac from the bottom of the uterus) hoping to naturally induce labor, meaning without medication, although it doesn't always work. She never asked if I wanted her to. I told her that I did not want that done before my due date, even if it is only 3 days away. She didn't seem too happy about that decision and was adamant that we need to start thinking induction. It makes me mad that she seems in such a rush to get my baby out. Nothing is wrong with me and nothing is wrong with him, he will come when he is ready and I still feel like I have plenty of time. Trust me, I'm uncomfortable and I want this baby out, but I feel like I need to be allowed time to go into labor naturally. It's not like I'm not progressing. I'm already 3cm dilated and 75% effaced all before my due date! I have had contractions, just nothing consistent. If I'm not in that big of a rush, why is my doctor! My next appointment is Tuesday, September 7, if I don't have him before then. I'm guessing at that appointment I won't have an option of whether to have my membranes stripped or not and will be choosing a date for a medical induction.

1 comment:

John and Leah Roehl said...

Hang in there! All good things in time...if you are both healthy, then let it ride. I happened to have Randi on her due date and I was in terrible pain by the time I was dialated to where you are now! Go you! With the twins, I was induced at 38 weeks...I believe my body was going to 40 weeks (no contractions or anything going on), but it was not ideal for the punks...my innards weren't made to sustain two lives for that long without additional risk I was unwilling to take. Everyone is different. YOU make the call.